Thursday, June 17, 2010

10 Months (+ a little)

10 Months rolled in last week, and we rolled out to my parents' house for the week, but here is a small update about the activities and growth busy little Ily.

Mobility... right at this very moment she's trying to pull the laptop off my lap. She still doesn't crawl, but she is very, very, very close to walking on her own. She gets around pretty adeptly if there is anything or anyone to hold on to. She can make it the entire way around our living room until she ends up stranded on the back side of the couch. She is now standing quite steadily on her own (don't get me wrong, she still topples a fair bit), and she has begun taking as many as five steps on her own usually ending in a dive toward the person she is trying to reach. She could accurately be described as "busy." She'll keep us on our toes when she starts walking without assistance.

Speech...we have got the word for "more" when she's eating. It's not super clear, but she's got the first sound and she definitely knows what she means. Otherwise, she spends a great deal of the time chatting away in sounds that we can't interpret. (She gets that from her dad's side of the family. :-))

Appearance...She finally has some hair to speak of, and we have been clipping it in a little barrette. (The barrette also helps with gender identification for well-meaning strangers.) Her hair is also beginning to curl around the back of her ears. We have even had some awesome "bedhead" mornings. She's wearing mostly 12 month clothes at this point. Some of her things are 6-12 months and some of them are 12-18 months. She is adorable in all the summery rompers, skirts, dresses and capris. getting better. Last night she actually slept from 10-7:20 without waking, but I will wait for more of these nights to believe for an actual pattern. I have been disappointed before with premature celebration. In general, though, it has been getting better...with 4-5 hour stretches. She rolls all over the crib, and you never know where she'll be or what position you will find her.

What she likes... play with one of those little calendar books that I use for scheduling. She has her own from 2006 that she will search for in the book basket and tote around the living room. eat blueberries and bread. sleep with her monkey. be with or near mommy most of the time. (She is still in the separation anxiety phase, when someone tries to take her while I am holding her, she will turn and bury her face in my shoulder.)
...listening to this strange dog that sings when you touch it. (Sometimes it even sings if you aren't touching it.)
...being swung around or thrown up in the air (lots of giggles when Daddy gets going.)
...animals and other kids. (She can spot them from far away.)

What she doesn't like...
...pureed carrots.
...when other people are eating and she's not.

Ilyana, you continue to amaze us and fill us with joy. We love your little "person-ness."

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